Content Planning: Map Your Content Ecosystem (w/Template)

When planning a campaign or content project, it can often be difficult to visualize the scope and scale of what needs to be created. 

There are a lot of channels to post your message to. Each has its own unique requirements that need to be taken care of in order to feel natural in their environment.

Before I get too lost in the details, I like to create a high level content map that helps me to visualize where my message is going. I call it ‘the content ecosystem

In this video, I quickly go over how I use this simple diagram as the first step in my content plan. 

For this example, I’m using Google Draw. There are a lot of flow chart products on the market and if you have an alternative that you prefer or would like to use a pen and paper – that’s cool – the concept remains the same.

The objective of this exercise is to clearly map out where your content will live and in what forms it needs to be created. 

If you’d like to follow along, you can make a copy of my Content Ecosystem Template via the button below.

Give it a try and should have have any questions, feel free to hit me up on Twitter.

Transcript of the video:

Everyone in today’s video, we’re going to talk A little bit about content planning. Now this exercise. Can be great if you’re creating a new website or. Or planning a campaign or just trying to take The stock of where the content for your business or organization is currently at?

He’ll make it easier for myself and. And all of you. I made a little template in Google workspace that you can use. The link is below. And I’ll show you How I like to use it in my process right now.

So this is my Google draw document.

The link is below.


First thing I’m going to do is make a copy. Like it says in the title here. So you just go file, make a copy. And name it.

Now I call this the content ecosystem doc, because what we’re essentially Trying to do is just map all of the places that our content is going to live. So when we go to plan our —strategy and our tactics, We have an overview of all the places that our content can

live. The first thing I’m going to do.

Is just zoom out. So that I can see the whole thing.

You’ll see on the left side here, I have some of the more standard content placements already put in here. I’m going to delete, this instruction tab and just zoom in a touch. So down the left-hand side here, I have the main places, most businesses organization. will have to put content out to, And then for some of the social networks, I also have the formats . What we’re looking to do here is just keep track of the platform, as well as the formats that we currently post to. And perhaps we’re even going to add in the ones that we hope to post to, if we’re making a campaign or a content strategy. What I’m going to do is just use my personal items as an example. So I have a website. So I’m going to drag that in there. I’m just going to put Rock Trembath

Dot com.

I’ll make it a little bigger, so you can read the whole. URL and I’ll just drop it in the center here. In my case and in the case, Most businesses, the website is the core place for driving traffic to. So I’m going to put it at the top of the page here, and then I’m going to fill in some of.

The networks that I’m currently using to promote my content and myself. I have a LinkedIn. I have a Facebook. Though it’s mostly personal. I could drive traffic from that.

I also have Twitter where I often talk about marketing. And the YouTube, which you’re currently watching. These other ones, in this case, I don’t really want to use them in my strategy, so I will just leave them. If you have others that aren’t listed here, you can just take this blank box, fill it in. Choose a color.

For this example, we’re going to talk about how I’m going to promote this video. So on LinkedIn. I will Probably post it in a group,

on my own timeline,

and I probably will not make a LinkedIn post for it. But if I did, I would also drop it there. So I’m just going to center these, so it looks nice. for tweets. You see, this template is a bit old, it still has the fleets in there. I think that was a short-lived move. I could probably change that to threads.


Drop it in here.

And then I’m also going to post it on my Facebook timeline.

And for YouTube, there’s the video. And then I will also make a short for it. So lets slide this over here. At a high level. This Is my content delivery architecture. So now I have a high level map of. Where my content is going to live and I’m just going to draw the lines here to show that these are coming inward to my website. So. This video is going to live here on YouTube, but I also like to make a blog post on my website, just to help. establish a little bit of SEO content there.

I like to put an arrow on just Show which direction the traffic is flowing. And now we can talk a little bit about what’s going to go where.

It’s going to start as a video. That lives primarily on YouTube. So for this particular exercise, I’m going to highlight it yellow, so that I can remember where my primary piece is coming.

Now even just from this, I have a much clearer picture of what content needs to be produced to promote this video. Once the video is done, I’m going to also. I have to produce a tweet, perhaps a thread, outlining the steps that I just went through. I’m also going to write a timeline. I can post for my Facebook a timeline post for my LinkedIn, with the additional hashtags.

And I’m going to share it in one of the marketing groups that is specific to Content that we’re sharing here today. Before I can do any of that. I’m also going to need to generate a blog post for my website that has some of the text from what I’ve said here and the video links.

So that you could watch it. If you don’t feel like reading.

And that’s pretty much yet. Now that you have a diagram of where the content lives, you. You can share with your team and when you’re ideating on what you’re going to Produce you have a clear visual representation of all the assets. It’s that need to be created and where they’re going to point to now.

Now, this was a pretty simple example for a more complex campaign or a really. Large content project. Obviously the diagram is going to be quite a bit bigger.

So take the concepts Here and apply them to your own content project.

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In a future. Video, I’ll show you how to take this map to create a copy deck where everyone can Contribute to the text or the assets required to fill all. Of these content placements and to make sure your content project. Is organized and super easy to execute.

As I said, the link is below. So just take. The template, make a copy and try it out for your own project. If you do have. Any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer them and help you get to the perfect plan.

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